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MBSR and Our One Earth

Calling all Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teachers 

Are you a lover of our one precious planet?

Bring the Earth into your mindfulness teaching!

As MBSR teachers, we have the opportunity to wonder…

Am I ready to invite the Earth into my own practice and into my MBSR classroom?

What resources do I need in place to meet myself and my students at this time of global climate/inequity crisis?

Can the MBSR curriculum include awareness of the beauty and vulnerability of the Earth, our human family and all of our more-than-himan kin?

As teachers, can we adapt our own lives and the life of our teaching, given the Earth’s need for our love, compassion and caring response?

The MBSR and Eco-Awareness Workshop brings together MBSR teachers to contemplate and engage in practice around their wishes for wellbeing and healing for our planet Earth.

Who is this workshop for?

This teacher development workshop is for MBSR teachers. All are welcome.

Earth-based practices for your own use and to incorporate into your MBSR teaching

A variety of ways to resource yourself in gratitude, compassion, joy and connection during these challenging times

Creative methods for invoking Earth awareness into your MBSR class plans

Good colleagues to share with and support you during the workshop and beyond

Quarterly refresher gatherings and dedicated online sharing group for graduates of this workshop

Additional development resources to access beyond the workshop

What will you receive from this workshop? 

  • I want to live more and more in alignment with the universal life force that created planet Earth, that sustains planet Earth. So for me, personally, I feel a stronger conviction to do that.
  • I feel much more of a sense of personal and collective agency to affect positive change, and to support others.
  • The last thing I want to do is add the fuel to the fire of climate anxiety or depression. And yet it is all about awareness, right? It's all about waking up.
  • It was and is such a gift to participate in your inquiry, opening up to deeper connections and taking action with small steps. Learning and teaching eco awareness and responsibility,starting with finding my own support and resilience.  
  • I feel more connected than ever to the natural world.
  • It’s become part of my practice around teaching, that the awe of the earth and the cosmos, to really let that work on me, which then  increases my commitment to the teaching work.

What teachers are saying 

about the workshop

I’m working with this question: 

how do I bring EcoAwareness to inspire people, because if people really become inspired or feel connected to someone, then it just naturally engenders care for that someone. I think that's true of the earth, too, and that's what I'm trying to do in going more deep with my EcoAwareness teaching.

Goals for this Workshop

Over the course of 5 online group sessions, participating teachers engage around four aims:

Reflect on their relationship with the Earth’s poly-crisis

Share MBSR-specific and other practices to support each other in awareness, compassion and engagement for the Earth’s wellbeing

Review the MBSR curriculum to identify practices, activities and means for calling out the natural place of Earth in our lives and awareness

Discuss the challenges and possibilities of teaching in a way that invites the Earth herself in as a fully worthy recipient in the circle of MBSR care, compassion and embodied action

The six sessions of the workshop cover all 10 MBSR class sessions. Workshop meetings are divided approximately in half: the first half is dedicated to Earth Awareness practice and time for sharing personal reflections and experiences; the second half allows time for considering and sharing ways of inviting Earth Awareness into the curriculum and MBSR classroom. Teachers can share both their established ways and their discoveries around new possibilities for bringing Earth Awareness into their teaching of the MBSR curriculum. Together, we can engage in the challenge and the benefit of holding the Earth as a fully worthy recipient in the circle of MBSR care, compassion and embodied action.

Teachers prepare for each meeting by engaging with practice and self-reflection prompts, reading/listening to/watching selected study materials, and reviewing the MBSR curriculum for the two MBSR class sessions to be discussed. Teachers are also encouraged to write and share between workshop meetings, and to contribute to a collection of articles, poems, guided practices and other resources to support Earth Awareness. Each teacher will leave the workshop with a wealth of materials to gain inspiration from.

Register Here for Upcoming Workshops

Thank you for your interest in our workshop. Here you’ll find information about costs, refund policy, etc. Please review; then, you can register for workshop dates and times below.

Workshop Reservation Fee: We request $50 to reserve your spot in the MBSR & EcoAwareness workshop. Once you reserve your spot, we’ll ask you to complete a brief questionnaire about your interest and goals for the workshop. You’ll be asked to finish making your payment once you’ve completed the questionnaire. Total costs for the workshop are offered on a sliding scale, as follows:

Supporting level: $325 ($50 reservation fee; $275 upon confirmation)

Sustaining level: $250 ($50 reservation fee; $200 upon confirmation)

Supported level: $175 ($50 reservation fee; $125 upon confirmation)

Need based: please contact us at info@mbsr-ecoawareness.org to make arrangements

Refund Policy: You may receive a full refund of the $50 reservation fee if you notify us via email (info@mbsr-ecoawareness.org) one week prior to the first workshop session. You may receive a refund of the remaining balance due less a $25 processing fee if you notify us via email prior to the first session of the workshop series. No refunds will be granted once the workshop is underway.

Payment: PayPal accepts major credit cards, via Venmo, as well as payment from your own PayPal account. Follow the prompts to choose which payment method you prefer.

Contact Info: Providing your email address and phone number during checkout gives us important contact information for use during the course. Please provide us with your preferred email address and phone number.

Register Here: 

Tuesday workshop - Facilitator: Trish Magyari

Time: Tuesdays, 11am-1pm EST. Dates: Sept 24, Oct 8, 22, Nov 5, 19, and Dec 3

Wednesday workshop - Facilitator: Margaret Fletcher

Time: Wednesdays, 8-10pm EST. Dates: Sept 18, Oct 2, 16, 30 and Nov 6, 20

Thursday workshop - Facilitator: Mark Dannenfelser

Time: Thursdays, 12-2pm EST. Dates: Oct 10, 17, 24, 31 and Nov 7, 14


Post-Workshop Ongoing Support

Past participants of the MBSR and EcoAwareness Workshop are invited to attend quarterly ongoing gatherings 

to support their practice and teaching.

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© 2024 MBSR-EcoAwareness